‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

English - 11.06.20

Task 1: Spellings

  • If possible, ask somebody to give you a 20-word spelling test on a random selection of words from the Year 5/6 Spelling List below.
  • Mark your answers and then spend at least 10 minutes practising any errors.
  • If you do not have any errors, or once you have practised the unknown words, do another 20-word spelling test.
  • We will repeat this for the next two weeks until you have completed all words from the list.

Note: as you work through the list, tick off the words which you get correct.

Task 2: Epic

  • Spend at least 15 minutes reading on Epic. I have assigned three additional books but you are welcome to read what you wish:
    • LeBron James vs Michael Jordan
    • The Science of Music
    • Leif Eriksson

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Excalibur Primary School

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