‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring?

Pre-school children need to bring a spare set of clothes.  As you know, young children can need changing if they spill their milk or get carried away in the water tray. Spare clothes can be left, in a small bag, on their cloakroom peg.  Spare clothes do not need to be uniform items and should include socks or tights.  If your child is likely to have regular toileting accidents then more spare clothes will need to be provided.  Please speak to a member of the team if you have any questions or concerns.


We will also endeavour to go outdoors as much as possible.  Please remember to think about whether things like raincoats, sun hats or caps are needed.  As you know, the weather can suddenly change so it is best to be prepared for all eventualities!


A pair of welly boots will need to be left at pre-school.  Please ensure that they are named and that your child knows what they look like.  If they can spot a character or a particular colour it makes it easier for the children to locate their own boots quickly and independently.


Pre-school children will also benefit from ‘Music and Movement’ in our school hall.  This will take place on Wednesday mornings.  The children will need to have a pair of black school pumps, shorts and t-shirt to change into.  These can be kept in pre-school in a drawstring bag.  Please ensure all items are labelled, including footwear.


What if my child is not fully toilet trained?

We will support your child during this transition in their life.  Some children are quick to toilet train whilst others just seem to need that bit longer.  We ask you to supply all pulls up/ spare pants, nappy bags and wipes for your child’s personal use.  Please let the team know if you feel that your child will need more support in this area. 


What if my pre-school child doesn’t settle?

All children are different and some will run into pre-school without a wave in your direction.  Other children need longer to get used to the setting and the staff.  Occasionally, pre-school children can be distressed about being left.  We can offer a flexible transition in these circumstances.  Having a positive transition into school can have an impact on future transitions and changes.  Please speak to a member of the team if you feel your child might benefit from a more gradual transition.  Remember that you are welcome to ring the school office if you are worried that your child may not have settled.  They might be upset when you leave which can make you feel incredibly guilty.  Sometimes, the tears last a few minutes and then they are busy enjoying their day. 


What if my child is ill?

Children with mild symptoms like a runny nose, a slight cough or a sore throat, who are otherwise well, can attend pre-school.  If you think that they won’t manage the day then they might be better staying at home.  Contact the school office if you are unsure.


All children should stay at home if they have sickness or diarrhoea.  These bugs can easily be passed on to the other children and the staff.  Please allow 48 hours from the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea before returning to pre-school.


If your child becomes ill at Pre-school you will be contacted to come and collect your child.  Please make sure all details are up-to-date and that we know who should be called.


What if my child has allergies or medicine?

If your child is asthmatic an inhaler will need to be kept in school.  This should be seperate from the one you use at home.  A medical consent form should be completed and stored with the inhaler in the Pre-school.


Please also let staff know if your child has any food allergies.  The children will be offered a snack during their stay and we often have food tasting activities.  Whilst, we don't force children to eat foods they don't like, we will encourage them to try it before deciding it's not for them.


Prescribed medicines can be given by staff if needed.  These will need to be taken to the school office so a medical form can be completed.  Medicines must never be sent in inside children's bags.


More questions?

Please come and ask the Pre-school team if you have further questions that have not been answered by this page or the welcome pack.


Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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