‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Friday 19th June 2020

Message to Year 6 - No. 53

Good morning, Year 6. I hope you have all had a good week. Hopefully the weather will improve soon so you can spend more time outdoors.

This week, it has been wonderful to hear all about what you have been doing as part of the Big Bang Science Event organised by Staffordshire University. The page will remain open until July 20th so, if you haven't had chance to access the activities, you still have plenty of time to do so. Click here to access the site.

As mentioned earlier in the week, I will be uploading a Seesaw task each Friday where you can respond to let me know what books you are reading as part of the Summer Reading Challenge.

Please let me know if you would like any help or support with anything.

As always, keep safe and keep learning.

Many thanks.

Mr. Hancock

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