‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Science - w/c 06.04.20

Please see below for a variety of science-themed resources/activities:

  • Science Bob - there are loads of videos of exciting science demonstrations and experiments.
  • Scale of the Universe - this website shows how objects and living things compare to the size of the universe. Adobe Flash Player is required.
  • If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel - this website shows the relative distances and sizes of the objects in our solar system.
  • Dyson Challenge Cards - these can be found below and include an array of different science and engineering activities which you can try. You may not have all the equipment for every activity but there should be plenty you can try with the stuff you already have at home.
  • Khan Academy - this website has a multitude of information articles and videos. Some of the information is more GCSE-level and above but you can pick and choose what suits you. An email address will be needed to sign up for this.
  • The Dad Lab: Art, Science & Wonder - this YouTube channel is quite useful for easy-to-do-at-home science activities and ideas.
  • STEM Activities to do at home - this article from STEM Learning is great for easy-to-do activities to try at home.
  • Leaders Award - This engineering competition has extended its deadline to 10th September 2020. It challenges children to find problems that an engineered solution could solve. They then design the idea. Entries can then be submitted.

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Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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