‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

School Birthday Celebration Art Project

In commemeration of the school opening, on the current site in Ivy Lane, 50 years ago in 1965 we have woven a series of age appropriate and relevant events into school life this year. Our main event was the open evening for past pupils and staff last September and our main piece of work as a school is via an art project.  Local artist Sue Smart will be spending time with every class over this term to produce some pieces of art which will be displayed in school as part of our commemeration.

Follow the progress of the project below.

Friday 15th January - Reception and Year 1

Today, Reception worked in small groups with Mrs Smart and Mrs Newbould to make a three tiered Excalibur 50th Birthday "cake." We used a range of modelling materials to make decorations that look good enough to eat!

Year 1 enjoyed using salt dough to create party food to celebrate Excalibur's 50th Birthday. We thought about food we might have at a birthday party and carefully created our own versions.

"I enjoyed it alot because it's really arty" Bronte - Year 1

"I liked doing the fish and chips" Matilda - Year 1

"I could make a sausage roll and I had fun" Graysen - Year 1

"You have to be resilient when you are doing this" Archie - Year 1

Friday 22nd January - Year 2 and Year 3

Year 2 looked at the work of Kandinsky. They looked at the shapes and techniques that he used. The children used rulers to create lines, 2D shapes to create patterns and number templates to add dates in order to create their own Kandinsky inspired artwork. Each group added a decade to their work to commemorate the years that Excalibur has been open. The children thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon and showed such focus and concentration when selecting their shapes and colours.

Year 3 looked at major British sporting events over the past 5 decades - winning the football world cup, winning the ashes, winning the rugby world cup, gold medals in rowing at the olympics, hosting the olympics and the first female Briton to win Wimbledon. We filled our paper with patterns ade out of relevant sporting equipment, and the various trophies or medals that were won. We looked at positioning out drawings in different ways to see which looked most effective. We used marker pens and felt tips to bring bright and bold colours to out artwork.

"I liked it when Mrs Smart came to help us with art"

"I liked it because it was fun"

"I liked learning about Kandinsky because it was crazy and fun"

"I liked overlapping my shapes"


Friday 29th January - Year 4 and Year 6

On Friday 29th January, the Year 6 class were visited by artist Sue Smart. During the day, the children used a range of techniques to produce some powerful portraits of a range of Prime Ministers from 1960 to present day. The children thoroughly enjoyed the activities and worked incredibly hard to produce fantastic work.

Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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