‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Monday 1st March 2021

Welcome  to  our  online  learning  page!


"The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." 

- Dr Seuss


Please click HERE to log into Seesaw.

 Suggested Timetable:

9:00am - 10:00am

10:30am - 11:30am

11:30am - 12:00pm

1:00pm - 2:00pm

2:00pm –  3:00pm


Microsoft Teams Meeting


Microsoft Teams Meetings in small groups

Quiet Reading






Monday 1st March 2021

Each week, there will be a Monday assembly for you to watch. Please click on the link below to take you to today's assembly. Please ask before clicking on any links.

Assembly - Monday 1st March 2021 



If you are joining us on the live Teams session, the EMA will be included in the lesson. If you were unable to join the live session, the EMA can be found within the maths video. The link is below. 


Maths (1 hour)

Please join us for a live Microsoft Teams lesson at 9:00am. 

If you were unable to join the Teams session, please begin the lesson by watching this video ->https://vimeo.com/501677687

Today we are learning to draw and bar charts. Please have a go at the worksheet uploaded at the bottom of the page. The answers are also uploaded so, if you are able to, you can check your own work. Please remember to use a ruler when drawing your bar charts. 



If you would like to have a go at a challenge, there is one at the bottom of the page for you. If you have a dice, see if you can have a go at making a tally chart and then drawing a bar chart to show your results. If you don't have any dice at home, you can use THIS online page. 

Please ask an adult before clicking on any links. 


Please upload your responses to the maths task on Seesaw. Thank you.


English (1 hour)

Please check your Teams calendar for your group English session today.

Please note that some of the times have changed this week for guided reading. I have included on the Seesaw task the time that your group will be meeting.  


Today's English lesson will be on Teams in small groups. Please let me know if you are unsure which group you are in. 

The reading texts, comprehension questions and answers have been uploaded at the bottom of the page and on Seesaw if you would like to come back and have another look. 



Today, please read over your poem from yesterday's lesson. Have you performed your poem? If not, try reciting your poem today to somebody at home. 

Have a think about your poem. What do you like? Where could you improve? Please evaluate your own poem by thinking about two stars and a wish - just like we do at school sometimes. A star is something that we think we have done well. A wish something that we could do to improve our poem to make it even better. 


If you did not join the Teams meeting, please upload your responses to the English task on Seesaw. Thank you.




I have uploaded the spellings for this week at the bottom of the page. You should have already received these on Friday. 

Today, please have a go at one of the spelling activities uploaded below. There are four activities for you to choose from. You may want to have a go at some of the other activities next week to continue practising your spellings.


Please upload your responses to the spellings task on Seesaw. Thank you.



PE (1 hour)

Have you seen our John o' Groats to Land's End Mega Mile Challenge? 

You can find out more by clicking HERE.

On Friday, there was a 'Mega Mile' task posted on Seesaw. If you would like to join in, you can respond to this task at any time throughout the week with any photographs or miles that you have completed!


Tag Rugby Task

Pleas click HERE to watch the next tag rugby lesson. Today we are developing our passing technique. If you do not have any cones, you may want to use socks or small objects if you are able to. 

Please ask an adult before clicking on any links. 

If the weather is nice, you may prefer to do your own sport outside or go for a walk.


ComPEte at Home Challenges

Don't forget, Sports Coaching North West have invited Excalibur to take part in their ComPEte at home competition. You can watch the exercise videos on THIS online learning page under the PE section. If you would like to take part, please fill out the results page and submit as explained on the form. The deadline for entries is Friday 5th March at 12pm.


Please upload your responses to the PE task on Seesaw. Thank you.



Art (1 hour)

Today we are going to use all the sketching skills we have been learning to draw a penguin. All the previous videos that we have been watching throughout our sketching lessons are included below if you would like to go back and have another look at them. There are also these videos to help you if you would like to follow along:

Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin Chick

Please ask an adult before clicking on any links. 

Please spend the whole lesson sketching your penguin and ensuring you have used some of the techniques from our previous lessons. I can't wait to see your artwork on Seesaw!



Outlines, Edges and Shading



Please ask an adult before clicking on any links. 


Please upload your completed pieces of art to Seesaw. 

Files to Download

Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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