Year 1
Recipe Instructions - May 2022
Year 1 have been busy writing instructions for their own recipes. They used imperative verbs to make their instructions clear.
Letter to Handa - February 2022
Using the book Handa's Surprise as inspiration, our Year 1 children wrote letters to Handa to thank her for the tangerines.
Traction Man - November 2021
Year 1 have been generating and recording sentences based on the book "Traction Man" by Mini Grey.
Captains Scott's Diary - February 2020
We found out about Antarctic explorer, Captain Scott. The children imagined that they were Captain Scott and recorded a diary to share his adventures. They included some great ideas and tried hard to keep in character.
Artic Fact File - January 2020
The children researched a chosen Arctic animal using the iPads and information books. They then recorded fact files to display the information in an interesting way.