‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’



Over the past few weeks and months, we have been developing our outdoor play and learning provision to enhance the quality and variety of our children's lunchtimes. From dressing up clothes to small-world play and adventurous equipment, OPAL is all about providing opportunities for the children to be creative, take managed risks and explore the world through play.

For more information about this exciting development, click on the following link: https://outdoorplayandlearning.org.uk/ and look at the attached parent letter below.

April 2024

It’s been great to see children of all ages making the most of the new OPAL equipment on the playground. 

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March 2023

Children across the school have been enjoying the sunnier weather by shooting hoops on the basketball court, climbing our A-frame and playing with our small-world toys. And of course, they have been making use of our climbing equipment, including the trio of concrete tunnels and the three rings.

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February 2023

Our outdoor play and learning provision has continued to go from strength to strength this year. We have had an increase in the use of our loose parts, including to make obstacle courses and cars!

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January 2023

In January, children across the school had an exciting time at lunchtime, making a variety of items using the snow. There were snow figures, snow angels, and gigantic balls of snow!

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Autumn Term 2022-2023

This term has been an exciting time for our lunchtimes, with the continued development of our outdoor play and learning provision.

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November 2022

Our children have been enjoying lunchtimes this year by making use of a fantastic range of play opportunities. Over the summer, we were gifted items which Mr. Pickin has used to create some truly wonderful play pieces on the playground and field, enriching the playtimes of all of our children.

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November 2021

We have received some fantastic items to enrich our outdoor play and learning provision. Many thanks to everyone who has offered donations.



Our children have been busy making the most of our outdoor area through building snow characters during the recent cold weather and forming a leaf fort.

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Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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