‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Local Governing Body Information and Register of Interests

Listing of Governors who have served in the past 12 months


Date of Appointment/


Term of Office

Date of Resignation

Type of Governor

Appointed by

Attendance Record 2022/23

Jobs and Committees 2022/23

Jo Bain 20/03/2023 19/03/2027 28/06/2023 Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 80% (4 out of 5 meetings)


Gillian Burgess 02/12/2020 01/12/2024   Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 83% (5 out of 6 meetings)

Governing Body - Vice Chair

Critical Incident

Leadership and Management Link

Governor Development and Training Link

Health and Safety Link

Simon Cotterill

24/11/2023 23/11/2027 17/04/2024 Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 50% (3 out of 6 meetings)


Mike Cross 20/03/2023 19/03/2027 25/06/2024 Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 17% (1 out of 6 meetings)


Tom Egley

15/05/2023 14/05/2027   Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 100% (2 out of 2 meetings)

Teaching and Learning Link

Michelle Goodrich

01/12/2021 30/11/2025 06/02/2023 Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 0% (0 out of 3 meetings)


Kay Griffin

25/09/2023 24/09/2027   Staff Trust Board N/A


Serena Hallam

26/9/2022 25/9/2026   Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 33% (2 out of 6 meetings)

Temporarily stepped back from governor duties


Rachel Hackney


14/07/2021 13/07/2025   Local Governing Board Appointed Local Governing Board 67% (4 out of 6 meetings)

Leadership and Management Link

Felicity Hawkins 24/11/2023 23/11/2027   Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board N/A


Kate Jepson 05/12/2019 04/12/2023 11/05/2023 Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 75% (3 out of 4 meetings)


Juliet Jones 01/01/2020     Head Teacher Parents 100% N/A
Anna McArdle 25/09/2019 24/09/2023 23/09/2023 Staff Trust Board 100% (6 out of 6 meetings) N/A
Rachel Morrison 06/03/2023 05/03/2027   Parent Trust Board 100% (3 out of 3 meetings)

Teaching and Learning Link

Shaun Smith 03/07/2023 02/07/2027   Local Governing Board Appointed Trust Board 100% (1 out of 1 meetings)

Leadership and Management Link

Gail Whittingham 27/06/2022 26/06/2026   Local Governing Board Appointed Local Governing Board 100% (6 out of 6 meetings)

Governing Body - Chair

Safeguarding Lead, Equality and Diversity Link

Mental Health and Wellbeing Link

Headteacher Perfomance Management Committee

Improve Outcomes for Disadvantaged Children Link


Philip Yeomans 06/05/2022 05/05/2026   Parent Parents 67% (4 out of 6 meetings)

Improve Outcomes for Disadvantaged Children Link

Clerk to the Local Governing Board

The clerk to the local governing board is Sue Lambeth.

Register of Interests

Pecuniary Interests

No governors have any pecuniary interests with any companies associated with Excalibur Primary School.


Personal Interests

The following governors have children/grandchildren at the school -

Gail Whittingham, Phil Yeomans, Rachel Morrison, Serena Hallam, Felicity Hawkins, Shaun Smith and Rachel Hackney.


The following Governors have a family member as a member of staff -



Governors that are members of staff at Chancery Multi Academy Trust are -

Juliet Jones, Kay Griffin and Rachel Morrison.


Governors with no personal interests in the school -

Gill Burgess and Tom Egley


Governors that are governors at another school -

Juliet Jones is a governor of Cornerstone Academy


Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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