‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mr Hancock



Welcome Class of 2024 to the Summer Term of Year 6

During the term, we will be studying the topic of Alsager Through the Ages in history. This will focus on the history of Alsager, including the town's link to the railways and its contribution to World War II.

Book Study

Our main book study this term will be Impossible Creatures, written and illustrated by Brian Selznick. We will also explore other writing linked by theme or genre to further expand the children's vocabulary and understanding of literature and writing. 

Impossible Creatures.jpeg


Mal, Christopher and the griffin embark on an urgent quest across the wild splendour of the Archipelego, where sphinxes hold secrets and centaurs do murder, to find the truth - with uniminaginable consequences for both worlds.


In maths, we will build on our previous learning, with a particular focus on shape, position and direction. We will also continue to work extensively on arithmetic, including adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, both independently and as part of reasoning and problem solving.

We will also recap our knowledge and application of common factors, common multiples, prime numbers and square numbers, as well as calculating using fractions.

There are some great links below for you to practise:

Times Table Rock Stars      

BBC Bitesize

There are also plenty of learning opportunities on Mathletics.


This term in science, we will be completing our study of light, including how light appears to travel in straight lines and how other reflection and refraction occur. They will also look into electricity, including how to associate the brughtness of a bulb or the volume of a buzzer with the number and volateg of cells used in a circuit. They will also recognise symbols in a simple diagram and construct series circuits.

Through all of this, the children will focus on further developing their scientific skills through their application of the five types of scientific enquiry:

  • observation over time
  • pattern seeking
  • identifying, classifying and grouping
  • comparative and fair testing
  • research using secondary resources

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Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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