‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Hancock


Please see below for some online learning for today.


This week during maths we are learning about ratio. To help with this, please take a look at the following Oak Academy lesson:


Mathletics - Have a go at some Mathletics tasks and work towards getting a certificate. We need to win that trophy again!

TT Rockstars - So far, we haven't won the TT Rockstars trophy, so this week is the week! Log onto TT Rockstars and practise your times tables. Remember to practise times tables appropriate to you. For most of you this will be all the times tables from 2 to 12.

Writing - Following our viewing of the Wild Robot before Christmas, write a piece of writing of your choice inspired by the film and book. This could be a poem, a diary entry from the perspective of Roz, a setting description of the island, or anything of your choice.

History - In our first history lesson tomorrow, we will be learning about King Henry VIII. Take a look at this Oak Academy lesson to find out about one of the most famous of English kings (you'll need to copy and paste the link into your web browser): https://www.thenational.academy/teachers/programmes/history-primary-ks2-l/units/medieval-monarchs-715b/lessons/how-did-henry-viii-initiate-the-reformation-74vpad?sid-77e404=5d3xmMSy50&sm=0&src=0

Science - As you know, in science we have been learning about evolution and inheritance. Take a look at this Oak Academy lesson for a recap (copy and paste the link into your web browser): https://www.thenational.academy/teachers/programmes/science-primary-ks2/units/evolution-and-inheritance/lessons/evolution-evidence?sid-1f5dc5=SFa0FApGr2&sm=0&src=0

Welcome Class of 2025 to the Spring Term of Year 6

During this term, we will be studying “Africa”, with a focus on apartheid in South Africa. Apartheid was a system of racial segregation which was ingrained in law in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. In particular, we will study key historical figures, such as Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko, as well as the intricacies of the anti-apartheid movement. We will also explore the geography of the African continent.

Book Study

Our main literary study this term will be Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Our learning will be inspired by the classic play, including a performance from a theatre group in the first week back. We will also use other texts, such as the Invention of Hugo Cabret, as needed to inspire the children in their learning.

Macbeth Title Page.jpg


Three witches tell the Scottish general Macbeth that he will be King of Scotland. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth kills the king, becomes the new king and kickstarts a deadly civil war.


In maths, we will build on our previous learning, with a particular focus on algebra, ratio and statistics. We will also continue to work extensively on arithmetic, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing both independently and as part of reasoning and problem solving.

We will also recap our knowledge and application of common factors, common multiples, prime numbers and square numbers, as well as calculating using fractions.

There are some great links below for you to practise:

Times Table Rock Stars      

BBC Bitesize


This term in science, we will be continuing our study of evolution & inheritance, exploring how offspring inherit characteristics from their parents and how species have evolved over time.

Later on in the term, we will explore light, where children will recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines and use this concept to explain how objects can be seen. They will also look into other phenomenon of light, such as shadows and refraction.

Through all of this, the children will focus on further developing their scientific skills through their application of the five types of scientific enquiry:

  • observation over time
  • pattern seeking
  • identifying, classifying and grouping
  • comparative and fair testing
  • research using secondary resources


To access some interesting science-themed resources, please click the following link to access the Science Links and Resources webpage.

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