‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Hancock

Welcome Class of 2025 to the Autumn Term of Year 6

During this term, we will be studying “Africa”, with a focus on apartheid in South Africa. Apartheid was a system of racial segregation which was ingrained in law in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. In particular, we will study key historical figures, such as Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko, as well as the intricacies of the anti-apartheid movement. We will also explore the geography of the African continent.

Book Study

Our main book study this term will be Journey to Jo’burg by Beverley Naidoo. We will also use other texts, such as The Day Gogo Went to Vote, as needed to inspire the children in their learning.

Journey to Jo'burg.jpeg


Frightened that their baby sister will die, 13-year-old Naledi and her young brother Tiro run away from their grandmother to find their mother, who works in Johannesburg as a maid. Their journey shows the realities of apartheid, pass laws, bantustans, racism, the breakdown of family life.


In maths, we will build on learning from previous year groups, continuing to recap and revise core mathematical skills, such as accurate recall of times tables and calculation using the four operations. Our main taught units this term are: place value; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; and converting units.

The following webpages can be used to revise and practise:

Times Table Rock Stars      

BBC Bitesize

There are also plenty of learning opportunities on Mathletics.


This term, we will be focussing on living things and their habitats and animals including humans. These topics will enable the children to have an in-depth view of how animals are classified, how they become adapted to live in their habitats and how their bodies work. We will explore the phenomenon of science through practical demonstrations and investigations, with an emphasis on the five types of scientific enquiry: observation over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing; and research using secondary sources.

Through all of this, the children will focus on further developing their scientific skills through their application of the five types of scientific enquiry:

  • observation over time
  • pattern seeking
  • identifying, classifying and grouping
  • comparative and fair testing
  • research using secondary resources

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Excalibur Primary School

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