‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Music at Excalibur

Preschool - FS1

Every Monday, Gemma comes to visit our pre-school to lead a Rhythm Time session.  The children get the chance to explore a variety of percussion instruments.  They respond to instructions to play fast or slow, loudly or quietly.  Everyone loves getting the scarves out to dance them along to Gemma’s music.  Sometimes, we even have a bubble disco!


Reception - FS2

During our music we sang 1,2,3,4,5 and played our maraca at the same time. We tried to find the pulse of the music and start and stop at the same time! Super listening skills!

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Year 1

Every piece of music has a heartbeat - a musical heartbeat. In music, we call it the 'pulse' or the 'beat' of the music. Year 1 were listening and singing to the music and songs and keeping the pulse or steady beat together.

Music is made up of long and short sounds called ‘rhythm’ and high and low sounds that we call ‘pitch’. As the children played instruments with the music in this unit they explored the notes C and D and how they worked together.


Year 2

Music has a pulse, a steady beat. Music is also made up of long and short and high and low sounds, called ‘rhythm’ and ‘pitch’. We explored how these elements combine as we sang and played.


Year 3

Year 3 have been learning to play the recorder. Playing together in a band is fun and exciting! In music, the steady beat is organised by time signatures which tell us how many beats there are in each bar. They also started to read the music as they play.

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Year 4

Musical sections that repeat or change help create the structure, or form, of a piece of music or a song. Year 4 have been looking for patterns in the sections of music and songs within this unit.

Year 4 Autumn 2
Year 4 Autumn 1

Year 5

Year 5 have been exploring melody and how it contrasts with 'harmony'. By using their voices that sing the melodies and the instruments used within the music they have created harmonies.


Year 6

Year 6 have been exploring the difference between the live sounds and digital sounds.

The songs in this unit ask the social question: How Does Music Bring Us Together?

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Year 6 Music Autumn 2.jpg
Year 6 Music Autumn 4.jpg
Year 6 Music Autumn.JPG
Year 6 Music Autumn 5.jpg

Extra Curricular Music

Piano lessons with Music for Life.


It was a real honour to be part of Marie’s 107th Birthday celebrations last week at Twyford House.  The choir sang a selection of songs to get the residents feet tapping. 


Choir 2

The school choir visited Cedars Medical Centre and Twyford House Care Home, Alsager. We sang a selection of Christmas songs and a couple of our favourites.

Twyford House Christmas 23

It was great to get out in the sunshine for choir this week! We now regularly have 40+ attending our weekly rehearsals and are looking forward to performing in public again soon. Choir is open to all children from Years 2-6. 


Passport to the World - Samba with Mrs Minshall 


Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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