What is Bullying?
Bullying is a continued action taken by one or more children of targeting another child with the deliberate intention of hurting that child, either physically or verbally or emotionally or online. Our school does not tolerate bullying of any kind. If an act of bullying or intimidation is identified, we act immediately to stop any further occurrence of such behaviour. Whilst we accept it is difficult to eradicate bullying, we do everything in our power to ensure that all children are able to attend school free from fear.
Forms of bullying:
- Physical – punching, pushing, kicking, hurting; demanding money or property; damaging property; forcing a person to do things against their will
- Verbal – malicious teasing; insults about race, religion or culture; offensive name calling or comments
- Indirect – spreading rumours or stories about a person; being left out, ignored or excluded from groups
- Electronic/cyber bullying – via text; via social media sites; via email; via images/videos posted on the internet or spread by mobile phone.
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Monitoring
- Regular class circle times
- Our PSHE and RHE curriculum
Useful Links
Please see below for some useful anti-bullying web links.
How to Spot Bullying in School - https://engage-education.com/blog/spot-signs-of-bullying-at-school/