‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Year 4 2024 - 2025

Miss Steele

Mrs Bundy

Remote Learning Links 06.01.25

English: Introduction to Shakespeare and Macbeth 


Maths: Dividing by 10


History: Introduction to the Viking Raids


Computing: Photo Editing

Take a picture then have a go at doing the following things to it: 

  • Rotate the image.
  • Crop the image in different ways to: avoid distractions, centre the image, change the main focus of the image.

Do please upload your creations to Seesaw. I would love to see them; the snowier the better! 


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Welcome to Year 4  

Spring Term 2025

Welcome back to Year 4! I am so excited to see what we can achieve together in 2025. We will be exploring the following topics:   


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In the first half-term, we are going to enjoy Shakespeare’s Macbeth. We will work towards the following writing outcomes:  

  • Descriptive writing  
  • A letter  
  • A dialogue sequence 
  • A persuasive poster 


The teaching of grammar will be embedded throughout English lessons as well as being taught discretely for one lesson a week. The grammar features that we will focus on in Year 4 are:  

  • Using direct and reported speech including using inverted commas to correctly punctuate direct speech 
  • Using commas following fronted adverbials 
  • Using subordinate clauses, punctuating them correctly by using commas when the subordinate clause starts the sentence 
  • Using apostrophes for singular and plural possession 
  • Using prepositional noun phrases  
  • Appropriate use of nouns and pronouns 
  • Precise use of paragraphs  
  • Understand and identify suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and all four categories of nouns 


Year 4 will have three spelling lessons a week during which they will learn spelling rules, spelling patterns and common exception words. During these lessons, they will also have the opportunity to practise these spellings in preparation for a weekly test every Friday.  




Throughout the Spring term in maths, we will develop our learning in the following topics:  

Multiplication and Division: 

  • multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by a one-digit number formally
  • solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems


  • recognise and show equivalent fractions
  • recognise how hundreds arise; count up and down in hundredths
  • use fractions to calculate and divide quantities
  • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator


  • recognise and write decimal equivalents of tenths or hundredths 
  • find the effect of dividing a 1 or 2-digit number by 10 and 100
  • recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½ and ¾

Length and Perimeter:​

  • measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres

Times Tables

In the Summer term, Year 4 will complete the statutory multiplication tables check. The children have now learned all of the times tables in school, therefore it is important that they practise them all at home. The test will be timed so it is vital that the children can recall answers quickly and accurately.  

Do please keep logging on to Times Tables Rockstars or access the free websites linked below:  

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)  

 hit the button(1).png

Times tables Speed Test X - Timestables.co.uk  

 speed test.png

We love listening to these songs in school too; why not put them on in the car or whilst the children are brushing their teeth? 

6 Times Table Song (Cover of Shake It Off by Taylor Swift!) - YouTube 




In science in the Spring term, Year 4 will explore the following two topics:  

Scientists and inventors 

  • Alexander Graham Bell 
  • Maria Telkes  


Living Things and Their Habitats  

  • recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways  
  • explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment  
  • recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. 


There will be a focus on developing scientific skills through the application of the five types of scientific enquiry: 

  • Observation over time 
  • Pattern seeking 
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping                           
  • Comparative and fair testing 
  • Research using secondary resources 


No Outsiders

Year 4 will use these books to consider and reflect upon the following concepts in PSHE: 

 Screenshot 2025-01-02 171458.png To be proud of who I am. 

 Screenshot 2025-01-02 171623.pngTo find common ground. 



Our Spring term history topic will be the Vikings. We will consider the following questions in our quest to decide whether the Vikings were raiders or settlers.  

  • What image do we have of the Vikings? 
  • Why have the Vikings gained such a bad reputation? 
  • How did the Vikings try to take over the country and how close did they get? 
  • How have recent excavations changed our view of the Vikings? 
  • What can we learn about Viking settlement from a study of place/name endings? 
  • Raiders or settlers: how should we remember the Vikings? 

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In geography in the Spring term, we will focus our learning around settlements, linking this to our history enquiries so far this year. We will consider the following questions: 

  • What is a settlement? 
  • How is land used in my local area? 
  • Can I explore the location of features in my local area? 
  • How has my local area changed over time? 
  • How is land used in New Dehli? 
  • How does land use in New Dehli compare with my local area? 

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We will have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays, this term. Please send your child in with the correct PE kit on these days and ensure that long hair is tied back and any earrings are covered or removed.  


Useful information 

Snacks: Please send your child in with a healthy snack for their morning break. Children may also purchase a warm snack, if they wish.  

Water bottles: Please send your child into school with a filled water bottle, with a secure lid. It would be ideal if this could be named.  


  • Times tables: please encourage your child to use Times Tables Rockstars, Hit the Button and Speed Challenge to practise all of their times tables.  
  • Maths: Set weekly through Mathletics – please encourage your child to complete these challenges. There are certificates on offer!  
  • Accelerated Reader: please try to listen to your child read their Accelerated Reader book as often as possible.  
  • Reading comprehension: A reading comprehension text and questions will be sent home weekly. These should be returned on a Monday and a new copy will now be sent home on Tuesdays.  
  • Spellings: please encourage your child to practise their weekly spellings in preparation for their Friday test. The half-term's words have already been sent home.   

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your support in the Autumn term and I am excited to continue to work in partnership with you to support the Year 4 children.  

Miss Steele 

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