‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Art at Excalibur

"I think art is a 10 out of 10 because we get to express how we feel through art”

"It's a fun subject where you can use your imagination."

'It's great to see the teacher share their ideas too!'

We learn about art so we can get better. We might use in our job when we're older.

Anybody can be an artist!


During creative activities, the Pre-school children have explored a variety of painting opportunities. They have applied paint with thick and thin brushes, cotton buds and sponges. They have printed with objects, including their hands and fingers, leaves and fruit. Everyone, tried hard to use a variety of colours.



During the autumn term Reception have been developing their fine motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely, and confidently, including pencils for drawing and writing, felt pens, paintbrushes, scissors, sponges, chalks and crayons. They created marvellous marks using a range of media. They painted to music and worked on both large and small scale pieces.  They responded to stories they read through daily pencil drawings as part of Drawing Club

They began to draw from observation, using faces and self-portraits as a stimulus.

Rec Art 4
Rec Art 2
Rec Art 3

They also drew or painted collections of still life including seasonal flowers and pumpkins.


They undertook an artist study on Yayoi Kusma and created their own dot pumpkins in 3d form by drawing dots onto pumpkins or 2d form on paper.

They have used loose parts to create transitional art pieces such as faces inspired by Clare Thompson's 'Junk DNA' or leaf characters after reading Lois Ehlert's 'Leaf Man'.  Dick Bruna inspired angels and Bethlehem houses using pen cand white card were particularly effective.

Year 1

In Year 1 they have been exploring our ideas using a range of media, recording their ideas in their sketchbooks. They listened to music to inspire them and used a variety of media to create different effects. They worked on developing their observational skills to look closely at leaves.

Y1 A(1)
Y1 B(1)
Y1 C

Year 2

Year 2 have completed an exciting unit of work on clay. They flattened and smoothed their clay, rolling shapes successfully and making a range of marks in their clay. They made a basic pinch pot and decorated it to look like an animal, using the scoring and slipping technique, painting them bright colours.

Y2 A (4).JPG
Y2 A (5).JPG
Y2 A (1).JPG
Y2 A (2).JPG
Year 2 pots (1).jpg
Y2 A (3).JPG

Year 3

Year 3 experimented using natural resources as paint. We started off by going on a hunt around school to find objects that we could paint with. Then we mixed different spices with flour and water to create natural paint!

Art Rh (1)
Art Rh (3)
Art Rh (2)

Year 4

Year 4 have been developing their 3D work. This has been through drawing and visualisation in 2D, using more complex techniques through soap sculptures and considering how sculptures are displayed through their shadow w


Year 5

Year 5 have completed a unit of work on portraits through painting and mixed media. They had opportunities to develop skills in creating interesting portrait drawings using words, experimenting with materials and techniques, and constructing self-portraits that represent aspects of themselves. The results are really striking!


Year 6

Year 6 have completed a unit of work developing skills in using different art styles, exploring effects with tools, understanding and applying chiaroscuro, and creating symbolic and expressive drawings. It encouraged children to form their own opinions about art, understand the impact of techniques, and convey messages through their artwork. 

Year 6 Autumn 24 - 3
Year 6 Autumn 24 - 1

Extra Curricular Activities

Cartoon Academy with Mark Wilcox

Cartoon Academy June 24.jpgCartoon Academy June 24 2.jpg

Twig Twisting - with Sarah Hayes

Twig Twisting 2.jpgTwig Twisting 1.jpg

A snapshot of our Art Curriculum






Art around School - Autumn 22

Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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