‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Planning Progression

The intent of our PE & School Sports provision is as follows:

  • To create lifelong active and healthy individuals.
  • To help develop fundamental skills to equip children for lifelong learning.
  • To support children in developing a sense of worth and personal identity within the wider community.

Our curriculum intent for PE & School Sport is to enable our children to develop as active and healthy individuals, both now and throughout their lives. They will be able to make informed choices about physical activity and healthy eating, growing as confident individuals who are able to live, safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.

Through performance in a variety of physical activities, including games, athletics, gymnastics, dance and swimming, children will work independently and co-operatively to use and apply fundamental skills to different sports-specific situations, being creative and resourceful to achieve this. Our children will communicate well with others to help to achieve a common goal and handle conflict where it arises in a respectful manner. They will be confident to take carefully-assessed risks in order to strive for continuous improvement.

Through our extra-curricular provision, we provide opportunities for children to try new activities, thereby enabling all children to find a sport/activity that they love. By utilising our extensive club links, children will be encouraged to join clubs outside of school, forming new relationships with others and having a sense of worth, purpose and personal identity within the wider community.

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Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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