PE at Excalibur
Exercising is really important. Year 1
It is important to do PE so that you can get better and better. Year 2
I love getting to try new sports, such as badminton and tennis, and interact with my friends. Year 3
We get to be active and move around. Year 4
Each (half) term you do a new sport and are able to get used to it. Year 5
It keeps you fit and healthy. Year 6
Preschool FS1
Preschool have been busy developing their movement, balancing and ball skills. They have also been focusing on learning to hop, skip and balance.
Reception FS2
Our Reception class have been focusing on improving their basic fundamental skills during their PE lessons. They have been using a range of equipment to support them in developing their balance, object control, core strength and stability.Year 1
Amongst a host of exciting activities for Year 1 this year, they have taken part in a variety of relay races to develop their fundamental physical literacy skills. This has included balance, object control and movement.Year 2
Year 2 have been taking part in circuits to develop a range of physical literacy skills. These build on what was learnt in Year 1 and ensure the children have a firm foundation in the fundamental movement, balance and object control skills.
Year 3
In Year 3 they have been improving their racquet skills through badminton lessons. They have learnt how to grip the racquet correctly, to serve effectively, to hit the shuttle-cock, to perform a rally and some of the rules rerquired to play a match.Year 4
Year 4 been foscusing on their netball and basketball skills. As a result, they have developed an understanding of the rules as well as key skills such as throwing and catching with a greater degree of accuracy, how to dribble the ball as well as shooting.In Year 4's indoor PE lessons, they have commenced their dance topic. They have been practising responding to commands, copying a classmate's movements and repeating simple patterns of movements based on a stimulus.
Year 5 - Coming soon...
Year 6
Year 6 have been working on their tag rugby skills recently. During the sessions, they have learnt how to tackle and run with the ball effectively. They have also considered strategy to work as a team both offensively and defensively.