Planning Progression
Intent for PSHE
Our PSHE curriculum is central to the ethos of Excalibur Primary School and supports our children to develop and display our core school values of respect and unity through the building of essential skills for life, including self-awareness, positive self-esteem and gaining the confidence to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to lead confident, healthy, independent lives. The school is committed to promoting healthy lifestyles.
The aims of our curriculum are as follows:
- To develop children as responsible individuals with a respect and understanding of the needs of others;
- To help children make informed choices about their wellbeing, health and relationships.
- To develop confidence in themselves as individuals and be able to express thoughts and feelings;
- To develop physically and mentally with an understanding of how to live healthy lives;
- To develop children’s understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe.
Our curriculum is divided into two parts, supported by two quality resources: Our relationships curriculum is supported by the use of Discovery Education; our broader PSHE curriculum is supported by SCARF, a resource provided by Coram Life Education, and incorporates other elements of the curriculum area, including caring for the environment and first aid.
Our Relationships and Health Education Curriculum is divided into the following six key areas:
- Healthy and Happy Friendships
- Similarities and Differences
- Caring and Responsibility
- Families and Committed Relationships
- Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds
- Coping with Change
Our broader PSHE curriculum is divided into the following six key areas:
- Feelings and Emotions
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Keeping Safe
- Healthy Relationships
- Rules, Rights and Responsibilities
- Caring for the Environment and Money
Through this comprehensive PSHE curriculum, complemented by additional opportunities and visits, the children at Excalibur will be equipped with the skills necessary to be positive and active members of their communities.