Excalibur School's Local Governing Board
The local Governing Board of Excalibur Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and expects all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment.
Who Are the Governors?
School governors are people from the school’s community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education.
The local governing board consists of ten members appointed or elected by various bodies and groups.
The Governing Board is made up of:
- Parent Governors - Parent governors are parents,or have parental responsibility, of children at the school. They are elected by the parents and carers of children in school;
- Co-opted Governors - These are selected by the Governing Body to bring the expertise of the local community to the school;
- Staff Governors – Staff governors are elected by those who are paid to work at the school. .
All governors, other than the head teacher, are appointed or elected for a four year term. There is no restriction on the number of times a governor may re-stand for appointment or election.
Note: Staff and parent governors do not have to try to represent the views of all staff and parents. They should communicate with them about issues that arise but only in so far as is reasonable. Staff and parent governors are free to vote in accordance with their own views.
The local governing board is made up of the following:
- 2 parent governors
- 6 co-opted governors
- 2 staff governors, including the head teacher
Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards through their three key roles:
- setting strategic direction
- ensuring accountability
- monitoring and evaluating school performance
The Governor's code of conduct can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.
Contacting the Local Governing Board
If you wish to contact the local governing board you can do so by contacting the following:
The Clerk - Sue Lambeth - c/o admin@excalibur.cheshire.sch.uk
The Chair of Governors - Gail Whittingham - via a sealed envelope stating 'Private and Confidential' and addressed to her at the school address
How does the Local Governing Board Work?
All governors have a shared responsibility and work as a team, although to manage its workload most effectively and to draw on the specific expertise of individual members. The local governing board is delegated tasks by the Directors Board of Chancery Multi Academy Trust. The local governing board can delegate many of its functions to: a sub-committee, an individual governor, or to the head teacher. The governing board as a whole, however, always remains accountable for any decisions taken including those delegated to a committee or an individual.
The local governing board of Excalibur Primary School usually meets six times a year, once each half term, with additional meetings over and above this if necessary. The Chair and Deputy are elected by the governors at the first meeting of each academic year, or as required.
Why have a local governing board?
To help schools provide the best possible education for their pupils by:
- Thinking and working strategically to help to raise standards
- Monitoring and evaluating progress towards the school’s priorities and targets
- Supporting the head teacher and staff as well as acting as a “critical friend” to the school
- Accounting to all stakeholders for the school’s overall performance and for the decisions they have made
The responsibilities and powers have to be exercised in partnership with the head teacher and staff. Governors do not intervene in the day-to-day running of the school. When there are weaknesses in the school they have a duty to take action.