Planning Progression
Our vision for music is that we provide every child with high quality music experiences which engage and inspire them. We provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music and to appreciate a variety of music styles. We aim for every child to leave Excalibur Primary School with a range of musical skills, knowledge and an understanding and love of music which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Music is a complex subject made up of multiple skills. With this in mind, the Musical School Scheme, built around Charanga’s model curriculum, is sequenced logically for the progressive development of musical skills – skills that are revisited and mastered over time.
As students work through it they sing, play tuned and untuned instruments, listen to recorded and live music, and compose and improvise using the interrelated dimensions of music. They learn about music history, exploring a range of musical styles and traditions, while using and understanding staff and other notations