Parents' Online Safety Area
As a school we appreciate the need to promote the full potential of new technology in the lives of Young People while not underestimating the risks involved. Although Young People are very active consumers of technology with considerable technical expertise, rather than simply passive recipients, youngsters remain ‘fragile’ from an emotional point of view.
Parents have an important role to play in encouraging their children to gain independence and a sense of responsibility, by helping them deal with emotional issues and develop their own values and critical faculties.
The links on this page will enable parents to:
- gain a better understanding of why their children spend so much time on the Internet or their mobile phones and the role of this technology in their lives;
- familiarise themselves with the new multimedia technology and prohibiting or limiting the use of such technology;
- consider the new technology as potentially harmful to their children and the cause of problems that in their youth seemed less common, such as isolation and addiction.
For further information please click on the downloadable documents at the bottom of the page.
Do you ever feel that your children know more about online technologies than you do?
You are not alone. The Internet and online technologies are an important part of children’s lives at home and school, providing great opportunities for learning, communicating, playing and creating. As we know, these technologies create huge opportunities for us all; however, they can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, and present challenges to keeping your family safe online.
It is just as important to be involved in your children’s life online, as it is offline. Just as you would ask about their friends at school or the clubs they go to, you should use this approach with the people they meet online – ask the same questions and show the same interest.
Information, advice and support can be found by visiting:
DfE Advice on cyber bullying
A website designed by the NSPCC to keep parents up to date with the social networking sites that their children are using and can keep their child safe in today's digital world.
This site offers a range of articles and guidance on all aspects of child internet safety.
These controls are designed to help parents and carers manage their child’s online activities. There are various types, some of which are free but others which can be bought. However, nothing is totally fool proof so they don’t replace the need for adults to support and advise children using the internet.
For detailed guidance on all the different types of control, you can use this online tool from Internet Matters . This gives you the chance to set up a personalised list of the controls used in your home on all your different devices. There is also advice on how to use all the various controls, with videos and step-by-step instructions.
This website has several different areas which are useful, including Know It All, Sorted and Parents' Support.
How to set up filters on your home internet to help prevent age inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home. "digital citizen"
Information about using social network and social media sites creatively and safely.
This is a central space - linked to from social networks across the Web - for learning about safety on "Web 2.0" together. Our forum is also designed to give teens and parents a voice in the public discussion about youth online safety.
Insafe is a network of national nodes that coordinate internet safety awareness in Europe. The network is set up and co-funded within the framework of the European Commission's Safer Internet plus Programme.
A site all about the potential dangers on interactive services online like chat, IM, online games, email and on mobiles... read TRUE STORIES and find out how to chat SAFELY...
Kidsmart is an award winning practical internet safety programme website for schools, young people, parents and agencies.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre is part of UK police and is dedicated to protecting children from sexual abuse wherever they may be.
ChildLine YouTube videos
ChildLine has launched a series of self-help videos, that are great to share with older children. New videos uploaded every Wednesday tackle a whole range of issues, from trolling and online bullying to setting realistic goals.
Some great advice from on this website. Have a look at their site as they have some fantastic tips , videos , links for all to use
Get Safe Top 10
- Make sure your computer has up-to-date internet security software, switched on.
- Don’t reveal personal information on social networking sites.
- Regularly backup the data on your computer and smartphone/tablet.
- Never reveal your password or PIN when asked to do so by email or on the phone.
- Make sure your wireless network is secure at all times.
- Be careful who you are selling to and buying from on auction sites.
- Choose strong passwords, change them regularly and don’t tell anybody what they are.
- When shopping, paying or banking online, always make sure the website is secure.
- Always download the latest software and operating system updates when prompted.
VIrgin Media Parental Control Information
- Virgin Media provide a helpful webpage explaining how to set up parental controls for your internet. For more information, click on the following link:
Our Pact
Our Pact is an app which enables parents to control the screen time of children's devices and manage internet access. For more information, click on the following link: