‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Pre-school 2023 - 2024

Mrs Cheadle



Dear parents/carers,


Welcome back to the last half of the summer term! 

Hopefully, you had a lovely break and the children had chance for a good rest after the fun of sports week. 


We have plenty to look forward to over the next seven weeks including our transition activities, our Glitter Bug Ball and the Family Sports Event.  We will also be making the most of the sunshine (if it should choose to appear).


As always, come and ask if you have any questions!


Mrs Cheadle, Miss Dugmore, Miss Bebbington and Miss Scott-Jones


Summer scene clipart.jpg

Summer 2nd logo.png

Our new theme, this last half term, is all about …


Caterpillar clipart.png

We will share fiction stories with minibeast characters.

These will include the following:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar.jpeg The Crunching Munching Caterpillar.jpeg The Very Quiet Cricket.jpeg

Superworm.jpg The Bug Collector.jpg Mad About Minibeasts!.jpeg

We will also explore some non-fiction books and eBooks to find out facts about minibeasts.  The children will learn about different insects and find out how they grow.  We will enjoy a fantastic finish, when we celebrate the end of term, with a ‘Glitter Bug Ball’ (details of this to follow separately).

Minibeast clipart.png

As we move into summer, the children will be planting seeds and observing how the plants grow.  We will talk about what plants need to be healthy and will learn to name a few common flowers.  We will also discuss why plants are important to minibeasts.



In Maths, we will continue to learn a selection of number rhymes and songs. We will explore a selection of suggested stories (from our maths scheme ‘Master the Curriculum’).  These will include…

1. Nibbles Numbers .jpeg  2. My Granny went to Market.jpeg 3. Doggies.jpeg

4. Five Speckled Frogs.jpeg  5. Five little monkeys.jpeg

Our mathematical journey will continue with a focus on numbers to five.  We will find out what comes before and what comes after a given number.  We will also look at the composition of these smaller numbers.

After that, we will continue with some consolidation of more than/fewer than, shape and pattern.


Remember, for more detail about learning opportunities see the pre-school weekly letter.

Summer 1st logo.png


Our new theme, this half term, is …

Dear Zoo logo.png

Monkey clipart.jpeg

We will explore stories based on zoo animals and experiences at the zoo. 

These will include the following:

Zoo books.jpeg

We will also explore some non-fiction books and eBooks to find out facts about zoo animals.  The children will learn about different animal groups and how they need to be cared for.  We will discuss why some wild animals would not make perfect pets.  We would also love to take the children to visit to a local, mini zoo (details of this to follow separately).

Snake clipart.jpeg

As we move into summer, the children will be encouraged to use all of their senses to notice seasonal changes, such as, full green leaves, changes in the weather and new seasonal flowers.  We will also discuss sun safety and how we can protect ourselves against the sun rays.

Summer scene clipart.jpg


In Maths, we will continue to learn a selection of number rhymes and songs. We will explore stories suggested by our maths scheme ‘Master the Curriculum’.  These will include 'Over, Bear! Under, where!' and 'Bear is Square'.


Our mathematical journey will continue with a focus on positional language, fewer and more than, and 2D and 3D shapes.

Remember, for more detail about learning each week, see the pre-school weekly letter!



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Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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