Safer Internet Use at Excalibur
Safer Internet Day 2022
Safer Internet Day 2022 was celebrated on 8th February with the theme 'All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online'.
Safer Internet Day 2020
Reception class read the story of Smartie the Penguin who had received a new tablet for his birthday. They had to decide what to do when Smartie was presented with three different scenarios. The first was when a pop-up appeared on a game that Smartie was allowed to play. In the second scenario a different game that Smarties older brother had been playing had been left open on his tablet. The third scenario involved Smartie play a game online where other players started to say unkind things about Smartie's friend Percy. With the latter scenario we related this to what we would do if we were playing a real game with our friends at school.
The children had to help Smartie decide if he would try and sort the problems out himself, even if he thought he knew what to do or if he should tell someone. In each case they decided correctly that he should tell the grown-up who was looking after him.
We learnt a little rhyme to help us remember what to do.
Year 1
We shared the online story of ‘Smartie the Penguin' to explore, and discuss, different problems that Smartie encountered as he used his new tablet. The children enjoyed learning the action rhyme to help them remember what to do if they had similar problems.
Before you tap and click.
Stop and think.
And tell someone!
The children used Purple Mash to draw and decorate a picture of ‘Smartie the Penguin'. Some children typed a caption to match their picture.
Year 3
Year 3 used the Thinkuknow website to learn more about how to keep themselves safe online and what to do if they are worried about something that they see online.
They watched a video about Alfie and his friends creating their own band and discussed the mistakes that they made when sharing information online.
Next, they made notes about advice that they would give to someone if they encountered something that worried them online. Finally, they looked at different scenarios where Year 3 had to decide which information the children should and should not share.
Year 4
In Year 4 we combined our recent learning in computing with Safer Internet Day to create characters who are Internet Alert. We have been discussing how we can stay safe online and paying particular attention to protecting our online reputation and keeping our personal information safe. On Safer Internet Day, we created character profile posters. These posters are designed to show which information should be kept private and how we all can protect our personal information online.
Year 5
For Internet Safety Day in year 5, we looked at the significance of a having a positive digital footprint. We discussed the importance of thinking carefully about what we look at, what we ‘like’ and what we post online. We emphasised the importance of not sharing personal information such as our address, our school and our phone number. We also talked about the need to be kind when making comments and when posting photos, ensuring we have permission to post photos of others.
Year 6
For Safer Internet Day, Year 6 watched a video about knowing the importance of staying safe online, with a particular focus on knowing how to block other users, how to report to an administrator and making sure a trusted adult is told as well. Following the video, the children worked in groups to formulate a list of rules for keeping safe online. This was then compiled into Year 6's class E-Safety rules.
Digital Leader Meeting - Thursday 9th May 2019
It was lovely to catch up with the digital leaders and hear all about how they have been helping the children in their classes. The Year 1 and 2 digital leaders finished creating their hybrid rules ready to present to their classes with the help of the older children.
The digital leaders have decided that they want to create a reward system for those children they see using the hybrids well and following the rules. They have decided that they want to create certificates to be given out once a term. After lots of discussion, they decided to organise a competition for children to design their own certificate to be given to the lucky winners.
In our next meeting, they are going to create posters and PowerPoint presentations to let children know about the competition. Also, they are going to create certificate templates to give out for the competition.
Safer Internet Day 2019
Excalibur Primary School joined lots of other schools around the country and the rest of the world to take part in Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme was, "Together for a better internet".
The assemblies on the day had an E-Safety focus, linking to the theme of “Together for a better internet” and understanding consent in a digital world. There was a real emphasis on the fact that they have a choice about what they do online and we hoped to encourage them to make positive choices and be good digital citizens;
The Key Stage 1 assembly showed the importance of asking for permission when using the internet. It centred around a story with the characters, Zap and Zoom who are seen asking for permission to play on their favourite game. Whilst playing, Zap comes across something that he is unsure about – a message pops up asking him to fill in some personal details so he can receive extra points - so he asks his Dad for advice. Zap’s dad deletes the message, highlighting the dangers of sharing personal information online. The children were then asked to consider why Zap had made a good choice and what might have happened if he hadn’t. The assembly ended by giving the children ideas of how they can ask if something is safe online.
The Key Stage 2 assembly also focused on consent, exploring what this means and different online situations where consent may be required, including sharing photos and playing age-restricted games. The children were asked to consider the best cause of action in a variety of different circumstances. The closing message of the assembly was that the children should always consider whether their choice affects anyone else and whose permission they may need to ask, as well as empowering them to seek advice if they are unsure or if they see something that upsets them or makes them feel uncomfortable.
Each class spent some time on the day thinking about E Safety and completed a variety of different activities.
Reception class revisited the themes of their assembly back in the classroom thinking about the importance of not giving away any personal information. We read and discussed Smartie the Penguin story.
Year 1
Year 1 looked at the different things that we should do to stay safe online. The children said:
“Don’t give out your information.”
“Tell your grown up if someone is mean.”
“Never tell people where you live.”
Then they looked at the school website and thought about what we should do if we want to share photos of other people. Following on from this, the class watched a Hector’s World video all about sharing photos.
Finally, we played an exciting game called, “Keep it safe or give it away”. The children had to go a side of the room to indicate whether they thought the information provided should be kept safe or was ok to share with other people. Examples were the name of their school and what they had for breakfast.
They all agreed that they should keep their full names and addresses safe.
Year 2
Year 2 class followed up from the assembly by recapping what things could be classed as personal information. They had a discussion about the importance of not sharing this online. Following on from this, they watched Hector’s World which helped them to identify different personal details and also allowed them to explore the fact that not everybody is who they say they are online.
Year 3
At the beginning of their session, Year 3 recorded some personal information on post-its and handed them in. During the activity, Mrs Bailey displayed some of the post-its around the room and even sent some of the post-its to other teachers! At the end of their session, Mrs Bailey asked how they felt about her sharing their information. The children discussed how they should have given her permission to share their information. Also, we talked about the importance of checking how personal information is going to be used before sharing it.
Linking to the assembly, they looked at different examples of consent, sorting them into online and offline examples. This linked to their post-it activity. They then watched a video about two friends, Zishan and Megan playing on an online game. Zishan had given Megan a code to enter a world that he had created. Megan loved it and thought it was brilliant so she passed the code onto other people in their class. Zishan was really upset because Megan had not asked permission. We thought about what she should have done and created our own messages that Megan could have sent to Zishan. Finally, we discussed what things we do online that we need to ask permission for and created our own pledges to show what we had learnt.
Year 4
At the beginning of their session, Year 4 recorded some personal information on post-its and handed them in. Some of the children were unsure about this and questioned Miss Taylor about what she was going to do with the information! During the activity, Miss Taylor displayed some of the post-its around the room and encouraged the children to discuss their feelings about this information being shared. At the end of their session, Miss Taylor asked what she should have done before sharing their answers with others – she should have asked their permission! Also, it highlighted the importance of checking how personal information is going to be used before sharing it.
Year 4 explored what the internet meant to them. They had to draw an apple, a dog and what they thought the internet looked like on a post-it. Then they compared their drawings to their friends, noticing that the apples looked very similar as there is only one clear perception. The dogs were slightly similar depending on people’s experiences but the internet pictures were all very different because nobody really knows what the internet looks like with it being an abstract concept. They talked about how they view the internet is very personal and extended this discussion with what the internet means to them, mind mapping their different ideas.
Year 5
Year 5 had a P4C session, exploring the question – “Is social media safe?” The class really thought about the question, considering lots of different aspects to the argument. This led into a discussion about how people can find out a lot from a photo posted online, for example, a picture of someone in their school uniform or football kit could give clues about where they live.
Year 6
Year 6 took a quiz all about oversharing personal information online. They talked about the correct answers, leading into a discussion (and debate!) about how to behave safely and appropriately. This led into a conversation about age restrictions for games, exploring the fact that they wouldn’t be allowed into a cinema to watch a 18 rated film so should they be playing PEGI 18 games? Each member of the class created a pledge poster surrounding the issues that had been raised by the quiz.
bCyberwise workshops - 5th January 2019
To celebrate Safer Internet Day, Key Stage 2 took part in bCyberwise workshops run by Life Education North West. Each class explored key issues surrounding internet safety, including sharing personal information, cyberbullying and age restrictions in a variety of different ways. The children took part in discussions, sorting activities and responding to scenarios, as well as watching and reflecting on some videos.
Year 3 and 4 explored how the internet can be used both positively and negatively, sharing their own experiences of being online. Michelle talked to them about age restrictions on games and explained the possible effects of playing on age-inappropriate games on their developing brains. The term, ‘cyberbullying’ was explored and the children were asked to think about what this meant and how to recognise it. To apply their learning, the children were given strategy cards in small groups. They were asked to consider whether their strategy was a positive or a negative strategy and why. This was a really useful activity and it really got the children thinking about what they can do if they have a problem and how they can support their peers. Michelle used a target board to help children consider who they would share different personal details with from themselves and their parents to close friends and strangers. This was to illustrate the importance of not sharing personal information online and to highlight that they need to think carefully about what they are sharing and with whom. To summarise their learning, the children were asked to come up with three rules which they would share with somebody who had never been on the internet before. Their ideas were fantastic!
Year 5 explored internet safety and what this term meant. The concept of sharing personal information and photos/videos was discussed and how over-sharing can be dangerous. The children were shown a CEOP video which highlighted how easy it is to over-share online and the potential consequences of this. The video and the discussion following on from it centred around getting the children to consider whether they would put pictures on billboards outside their house like the girl in the video and got them to reflect on how once they have shared something online, it is out there indefinitely.
Year 6 had to reflect on their own internet usage and online behaviour. The main focus of their session was getting them to consider how to use the internet, including social media appropriately in readiness for their transition to the high school. Michelle explored the different age restrictions on popular social media apps to highlight to the children which apps, games and software are appropriate for their age. She then explored different privacy settings with the children in order for them to protect themselves and their personal details. Over-sharing was also discussed in terms of posting photos and videos online.
All of the children were fully engaged throughout and enjoyed exploring the different concepts relating to internet safety. The workshops were a valuable learning opportunity to help raise the children’s awareness, encouraging them to make positive choices and be good digital citizens.
Digital leader meeting - 31st January 2019
The Key Stage 2 digital leaders printed off their Hybrid rules posters and presentations ready to present to their class before displaying them on the hybrid boxes.
They then helped the Key Stage 1 digital leaders to type up their rules ready for display.
Digital leader meeting - 17th January 2019
During our meeting, the Key Stage 2 digital leaders were finishing off their posters and presentations ready to be presented to their classes after the next meeting. They worked really hard and it was great to see them working collaboratively and sharing their skills to assist each other.
The Key Stage 1 digital leaders worked with Mrs Bailey to develop their own rules for their class iPads and hybrids. They came up with some great ideas! They are going to type up their rules at the next meeting so that they can be shared with their classes.
Excalibur's Digital Leaders Update January 2019
Excalibur's newest recruits - the digital leaders - have been very busy over the past couple of months!
They have received training from ICT company Apex and Mrs Bailey, the Computing subject leader.
After the training, the digital leaders then went back to their classrooms and presented the knowledge and skills that they had learnt to the rest of their class.
Their first project has been to create rules to help children use the hybrids and ipads safely and appropriately. We came up with a set of rules as a group and now they are preparing posters and short PowerPoint presentations to share with their classes.
Safer Internet Day - February 2018
This week has seen Excalibur Primary School joining lots of other schools around the country and the rest of the world to take part in Safer Internet Day. In the UK, Safer Internet Day is organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre (, and this year’s theme was, "Create, Connect and Share Respect: A better internet starts with you". E-Safety is a huge part of the Computing curriculum and the whole school took part in various age appropriate activities on the day.
The assemblies on the day had an E-Safety focus, linking to Safer Internet Day and the theme of creating a better internet together.
Reception and Key Stage 1 heard a story called, "The Three Monsters" which told the story of a colouring competition entered by three friends online. One of the pictures receives negative and upsetting comments online and the children had to help the monsters to work through the problem, learning about what to do if they were in the same situation. The assembly also shared with children the importance of being polite and kind online and spread the message of creating, connecting and sharing respect.
Key Stage 2's assembly had a similar focus and encouraged the children to discuss how being online makes them feel, both positively and negatively. The assembly explored how sometimes the things we say online can be misinterpreted because it is not always clear how the message is being put across and we need to be mindful of this when posting and receiving comments. The children were then invited to reflect on a number of different scenarios about children's behaviour online, considering whether they have behaved appropriately and how they could modify their behaviour if necessary. The assembly ended by asking children what the key ingredients are for a better internet and how they can be good online friends to one another.
The main focus of the day for each year group was how they can make a better, more positive internet because, "A better internet starts with you." Each class made pledges for how they can play their part. These pledges will be collected in and displayed in the ICT suite, as well as on our school website to show how Excalibur are contributing to becoming positive digital citizens.
Years 4, 5 and 6 also took part in bCyberwise workshops run by the Life Education Van.
Examples of the activities and work produced will be displayed in the ICT suite and posted on the website so watch this space!
Reception class watched a video about Smartie the penguin. In the video, the children learnt what to do if something pops up that they don't recognise, eg, app pop ups. They also explored what to do if something on their tablet or device has changed because in the video Smartie's older brother had been using the tablet and he had left a website open which was not suitable for Smartie. As well as this, the children also discussed the importance of saying kind things online and what to do if somebody says something unkind. At the end of the video, there was a rhyme to help remind the children to always ask a grown up before doing anything on their tablet and if they are unsure or worried about something.
Year 1
Year 1 discussed the Excalibur E Safety rules and how they can make sure that they stick to them. They then listened to a story where Buddy the dog helped a little boy to learn how to use his new tablet safely. Within the story, the little boy had questions for the children to think about and discuss. There was also a song to accompany the story which reminded the children to always ask a grown up for help if they were unsure or worried about something.
Year 2
Year 2 took part in the Safer Internet Day quiz! The class were divided into small groups and they worked as teams to try and choose the correct answers. Every team got full marks! Mrs Wetherby was very impressed with their knowledge. Once they had completed the quiz, they used the knowledge and information to make their pledges for a better internet.
Year 3
Year 3 were lucky enough to have a visit from PCSO Lorraine Meggs who came to deliver an informative and engaging talk about how they can keep themselves safe online. During the afternoon, they thought about how they could make the internet a more positive and happier place to be. After discussing their ideas with their groups and sharing them with the class, the children chose one way that they could contribute to a better internet and designed either a potion bottle or an ingredient to go into our, "Recipe for a Better Internet". We then used the ideas that they came up with to write our pledges.
Year 4
Year 4 took part in an exciting and engaging bCyberwise workshop run by the Life Education Van. In the afternoon, they wrote their own inventive and exciting recipes for a better internet, adopting a cross-curricular approach. Using the ideas that they came up with, they wrote their pledges.
Year 5
Year 5 took part in a new, updated bCyberwise workshop about fake news online. They also wrote pledges for how they can contribute to a safer and better internet.
Year 6
Year 6 took part in a new, updated bCyberwise workshop about fake news online. They then spent the rest of the afternoon working in small groups to come up with ideas for an advert to promote safer internet use. After mindmapping their ideas, they began to write their scripts for their adverts.
Excalibur's E Safety Officers
Excalibur is lucky enough to have 4 dedicated E Safety officers who work hard to promote safe internet use within our school. To celebrate Safer Internet Day, they have organised a competition! Reception and Key Stage 1 are invited to decorate an E Safety teddy bear to remind other children of Excalibur's E Safety rules. Key Stage 2 are invited to design their own screensaver which will promote safer internet use and Excalibur's E Safety rules. The designs will be displayed on the Excalibur Safety display in the ICT suite. Entries are due in on Friday 2nd March and the winners will be announced during Stars assembly the following week.
Good luck and happy decorating!