Chancery Multi Academy Trust
Chancery Multi Academy Trust was set up on the 1st April 2018 and is a charitable company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity.
Chancery Multi Academy Trust is a MAT based in Cheshire East. The partnershi is currently made up of five primary schools; Excalibur Primary School, Pikemere School, the Berkeley Academy, Willaston Primary Academy and Elworth Hall Primary School.
Our Trust was created with one sole aim. For member schools to deliver, through partnership and collaboration, an outstanding learning experience for all children so they flourish and thrive; enabling them to achieve their own individual excellence.
Our Trust's vision is a thriving family of schools who work together to celebrate differences, and support each other in pursuit of excellence.
Out Trust's values are:
Lifelong learners
Openness and Honesty
You can find out more about the Chancery Multi Academy Trust by visiting its website:
To learn more about the finances of the Multi-Academy Trust, as well as being able to read and download the latest financial statements, please visit: