"My teacher always gets excited to teach history. It makes me excited to learn all about it."

"I really like history! I love learning all about the past."

"I love it when we do activities where we get to move around the classroom and learn from each other."

"I like being able to tell my parents all about what we have learnt."

EYFS - Pre-School

During the autumn term, pre-school have been exploring their own personal history. Each child brought in a 'well-being box' into school. inside the box, the children chose photos of their family and special events, as well as special objects which mean something to them. They then shared their boxes with their peers, giving details of their family, holidays, days out and favourite objects. It gave the children a fantastic opportunity to recall events from their past. 


EYFS - Reception

During the autumn term reception class have been developing their historical thinking and vocabulary. 
In chronology: They have used the language of time when talking about past/present events in their own lives and in the lives of others including people they have learnt about through books. They use a simple timeline to show dates such as when they were born.
In Enquiry: They found out about key historical events and why and how we celebrate today. Events this term have been; Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Diwali. They asked questions, looked at artefacts and used different sources to find answers including books.

Year 1

We have been learning all about Bonfire Night and why we celebrate it each year. As part of our learning, we looked at how Bonfire Night is celebrated now and how it was celebrated in the past. We sorted photos and images into past and present and discussed how we had made our decision. We also talked about how we know what Bonfire Night was like in the past - we use sources! These can be photos, pictures or quotes from people who celebrated at that time. 


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