"I liked it when we used our senses to try and work out what different objects were." Year 1

"It's really important to eat a healthy balanced diet. That means little bits from each group- not just loads of one group." Year 2

"It was cool when we went outside to hunt for worms. We had to stamp on the ground. The worms thought it was the rain so they tried to come to the surface so that they didn't drown. That's what birds do so that they can hunt and eat them." Year 3

"I really enjoyed investigating whether circuits were complete or incomplete by testing to see if the bulb lit up. Most of my predictions were right because I knew that the electricity had to flow from the battery cell to the bulb and back to the battery cell." Year 4

"I found gestation periods much more interesting than I thought I would. The frog has such a short gestation period but can live for up to 20 years!" Year 5

"The heart is so interesting. I find it really amazing that our blood has plasma in it to make the blood sticky and then it forms a scab." Year 6

Preschool FS1

Pre-school children went to explore their outdoor surroundings on a seasonal walk.  We found and collected autumn leaves.  The children used their senses to help them observe seasonal changes.  We noticed the autumn colours; red, orange, brown and yellow.  Everyone enjoyed crunching in the leaves as we walked.  We listened as the birds sang and to the wind as it blew through the trees.  We even spotted a squirrel eating an acorn; which was very exciting!  Later, back in the classroom, the children explored their found autumn objects using magnifying glasses.  We even printed with the autumn leaves to notice the leaf shapes and patterns.

Reception FS2

Reception took their first real foray into working scientifically. They asked questions, made predictions and then set up their own tests!

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Year 1

Our learning journey in year 1 began with us identifying the parts of our bodies and investigating how our senses help us every day. As part of our learning about Animals, Including Humans, we also investigated the different ways animals can be grouped. We classified them into mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish. Did you know that we are mammals? Our bodies are covered hair and we give birth to live young who feed off milk when they are born. We then began to look at the things different animals eat. There are carnivores who just eat meat from other animals. There are herbivores who just eat plants and their fruits or vegetables. Then there are omnivores who eat a bit of everything!

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Year 2

The introduction to our Materials topic saw year 2 investigating what materials they could find outside and what their uses were.

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As part of their Animals, Including Humans topic, year 2 have tested the effects of exercise on their bodies by taking part in a fitness circuit. They also investigated the importance of a healthy balanced diet.

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Year 3

As part of their topic focussed on rocks, year 3 have investigated the different properties of rocks- are they porous? How hard are they? They then took part in a dinosaur dig to excavate dinosaur bones- just like palaeontologist Mary Anning.

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Year 4

Year 4 have been exploring the digestive system! They have been suitably disgusted with their practical representation of the different parts of digestive system! They discovered the vital role each part plays and how the essential nutrients are extracted from food and absorbed by our bodies.

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Year 5

So far this term, year 5 have been exploring different forces. They have made their own levers, pulleys and gears to discover the ways in which heavy loads can be moved with the minimum amount of effort.



Year 6

To build on their previous learning about the components of blood, Year 6 were visited by a research scientist from the University of Belfast, Sophie Tomkinson. During the session, the children learnt about phagocytes and acted out the process of how the body fights infection. Sophie also shared what her role involved as a research scientist.

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