‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Early Years

Writing in provision - November 2021

hollie .jpg“I’ve made invitations. This is for my mum.” I asked where she was inviting her mum to and she said to the theatre to see Stickman. She came back to me to show me the invitation she had made for me to go to numberblocks.

Lottie(1).jpg“I’ve written my name and I’ve written mummy and daddy. This is where I tried to do a m but it went wrong so I tried again.”

Not a Stick - December 2020

We read the story ‘Not a Stick’ by Antoinette Portis. We completed a variety of activities based around sticks both inside and outside the classroom. After sharing the story a few times we described how sticks feel, developing our vocabulary. We then thought of our own ideas for using a stick and drew pictures in the style of the book. Some of us were able to record our idea underneath the picture. We turned our ideas into a class book to share. 




Star Writer - 13th March 2020

Star Writer - 11th March 2020



Star Writer - 6th March 2020


February 2020

Reception class have been writing their own stories based around their class text The Train Ride’.


They have written some facts about bears after reading ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’.


They have recorded their responses to having some daffodils on the classroom as they talked about signs of Spring.



Autumn Term 2019


Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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