Pupil Voice
Computing Pupil Voice - June 2023
"We found out what a database is and how to use one." Year 5
"We've learnt how to do coding. We learnt how to program things to move. We used Scratch for this." Year 5
"We used TinkerCad to create 3D models." Year 6
"We learnt about close range, movement, steady and long range when videoing." Year 5
"We do flashback four, which is where we recap on what we have done recently." Year 5
"Our teacher shows us what to do before instad of making us do it straight away." Year 6
Computing Pupil Voice and Work Share - December 2019
Just before Christmas, Mrs Bailey met with small groups of children from each year group to find out all about their Computing lessons and give them an opportunity to share the learning that they had done during the Autumn term.
Below are some comments that the children made about their Computing lessons and learning:
"I enjoy using the hybrids for research because we use the research for something that we are going to do, like for our African masks." Year 6
"I enjoyed doing our own baby pictures on Purple Mash. Some of them were put on display in the classroom and I like seeing them on the wall." Year 1
"I enjoyed the challenge of using repeat commands in Rapid Router." Year 3
"I like putting the blocks together in Code.org." Year 2
"I enjoyed using Google Sketch up to create designs of buildings and architecture. I liked learning the new skills." Year 5
"I found using action buttons on PowerPoint tricky but it was challenging and I liked that." Year 5
"I liked doing our own PowerPoint presentations on our Science topic of teeth because it was fun to show what we had learnt in our own way and I liked being able to present them to the class. " Year 4
"I have got better at typing. " Year 1
"I have improved how quick I can type which is useful for programs such as Times Table Rockstars." Year 3
"I have got better at using coordinates to help the sprite move in Scratch." Year 6
"I have learnt how to create a PowerPoint presentation. We got to show each other what we had done so we could learn from each other." Year 4
"I have got better at getting onto the programs quicker." Year 2
"I have got better at doing research because we learnt different ways to do it." Year 5