‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

What it's like to be a geographer at Excalibur

A Showcase of Geography

Year 1 - Messy Maps

Year 1 created their own maps of their classroom using a variety of objects. Prior to creating their maps, they learnt about directional language, such as left and right. They also had to work in groups to decide what objects to use to represent different items in the classroom.




Year 1 - Investigating Daily Weather

Our Year 1 children investigated the weather in the local area. They used rain gauges and observed the depth and width of puddles in the playground.


Year 2 - Our Local Area Fieldwork

Our dedicated Year 2 geographers visited Delarmere for and, as part of their residential, carried out a fieldwork study on the wildlife found in a local woodland habitat. During their work, they found a variety of species, including shrimp, waterbeetle, newts, water boatmen and larvae. In some cases, they humanely trapped the species and observed them carefully, before returning them to their habitat. On their return to school, they completed a bar chart showing the number of plants and animals they had seen. They then concluded their findings by answering the following key questions: Which creature did we find the most of? Which creature did we find the least of? Why do we need to protect these habitats?

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Year 3 - Marauding with Maps

As part of their learning about settlements, Year 3 learnt how to map read in order to observe, find and discuss different features in the local area and why certain human and physical features were found in particular areas. They learnt how to orientate their maps and follow a basic route using them.


Year 4 - Coming soon...

Year 5 - New Brighton Trip

As part of their learning about oceans, Year 5 visited New Brighton to carry out a field study in a coastal town. During their time there, they observed how much litter there was and considered why this might be the case.


Year 6 - Where is the best place for a solar panel?

As part of their learning about energy sources, Year 6 observed the Excalibur site and considered where the best location for a solar panel would be. They then wrote a letter to Mrs. Jones with their recommendations. During their deliberations, they had to consider the impact that the panels would have on the local residents, children and teachers. This had to incorporate considerations around safety and practicality.




Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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