‘Nurturing Individual Excellence’

Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice - March 2023

Mrs Cheadle met with KS1 children to talk about their PSHE lessons.  Some of the children didn't really know what PSHE was so we chatted about the things it included.  The children then completed a short questionnaire.  Later, Mrs Cheadle met with lower KS2 and then upper KS2.

KS1 Results

Most of the children enjoyed their PSHE lessons.  They were keen to chat about some of the things they did during this subject.  

Most said that they thought their learning was age appropriate.  

The KS1 children felt that they shared their opinion sometimes or always.  

Most of the children felt others listened to their opinions.

All of the KS1 children could name the day that their PSHE lessons took place.

"We do PSHE on Monday afternoons" - Year 2

"Friday afternoon is when we do SCARF or Discovery" - Year 1.

Some of the children weren't really sure how PSHE can make a difference in our lives.  

KS2 Results

What would you like to learn more about?

"Growing up and body changes" - Year 6

"More about feelings because our class can be rude or careless sometimes" - Year 5

"I think more should be learnt about saving as kids can be careless with their money" - Year 5

"Tax and things to do with money" - Year 6

"I'd like to learn more about money because we haven't done much about this" - Year 6

"I think we should learn about money problems" - Year 5

"I probably would like to know a bit more about protecting the environment and saving the animals" - Year 4

"I'd like to learn about family trees" - Year 3

"Learn more about the planet and how to help it" - Year 3

"Dealing with bullying... we've done lots of work on online bullying but more on dealing with bullying face to face" - Year 6

"Keeping safe online" - Year 4


What is the best thing about PSHE education in our school?

"The best thing is that we can share ideas and work in groups." - Year 6

"Making posters and drawing things" - Year 5

"We learn about everything we need to know" - Year 3

"The fun activities" - Year 5

"I like how it's always very different every time" - Year 4

"Where we learn about how and explore more things" - Year 3

"It's very inclusive" - Year 4

"We get to do lots of activities" - Year 3

"We get to do really fun activities" - Year 4


What could improve PSHE education in our school?

"More drama activiities" - Year 5

"I quite enjoy everything, nothing is wrong I think" - Year 4

"I want more drama and more activities" - Year 4


RHE (PSHE)  Pupil Voice - March 2022

Mrs Cheadle met with a group of children to talk about their Discovery and SCARF lessons so far.  We looked at the class books to see what they had been learning about.  

What have they enjoyed?  

What have they learnt?

The children completed a questionnaire and had chance to discuss any others issues or areas.  

Most of the KS2 children said that they felt that they could share their thoughts and ideas.  They felt that the teacher listened and welcomed their views.  Some of the children talked about not feeling listened to by their peers.  We discussed this problem and said that we should re-establish the rules around taking turns and being respectful.  Year 3 and Year 4 spoke about some issues during the changeover from French to PSHE.  They felt that some of their class peers took a while to settle.  We talked about including a chance to get up and move before coming back to start the next lesson.  Update: The Year 3 and 4 children are going to have a short walk outside, to let off a bit of steam before returning for their next lesson.  We will review after two weeks to see if this has improved the situation for the children.

One Year 3 child said that sometimes lessons can be upsetting e.g. anti-bullying.  We talked about these areas being important to discuss even though we might not like to hear about it.  It might help someone to know what to do if ever they are sad about a situation.

The KS1 children enjoyed their PSHE lessons.  They talked about the 'special days' e.g. NSPCC 'Pants are Private', First Aid, Safer Internet and 'Children in Need'.  They felt that they learned lots and loved looking at their class book to remember some of the things they had done.  The children liked the activities from both Discovery and SCARF.

Year 1 children said " It helps you find out about feelings."

"We are learning about different families"

Year 2 children said "People are all different...we all like different things"

"It's important to know about how people are feeling" 

Mrs Cheadle noted and agreed to pass on comments, especially those that could help improve learning for the children.

Excalibur Primary School

Ivy Lane, Alsager, ST7 2RQ

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