What it's like to be an artist at Excalibur
"I think art is a 10 out of 10 because we get to express how we feel through art”
"It's a fun subject where you can use your imagination."
'It's great to see the teacher share their ideas too!'
We learn about art so we can get better. We might use in our job when we're older.
Anybody can be an artist!
Preschool FS1
In pre-school, the children have enjoyed applying paint with thick and thin brushes. They have explored dabbing, splashing, mixing and stroking the paint onto the page. Pre-school have also explored printing paint using different objects. What super creative work, pre-school!
Reception FS2
Year 1
We have been introducing pupils to paper-based 3D art forms. By focusing on techniques like rolling paper tubes, shaping paper strips, and constructing imaginative sculptures, the children have been able to create some bold and beautiful 3D sculptures. Children developed their skills to enhance their understanding of form and construction. Their final piece was a collaborative project basd around flowers to link with their Science topic.
Year 2
The year 2 unit, Colour Splash was all about improving the children's colour knowledge through colour mixing. They looked all around the school environment to collect textures and recreate them using their colour knowledge and a wide variety of tools. Through planning and creating a collage, they applied their knowledge about colour and which tools worked best to create their desired effct.
Year 3
Year 3 have been learning to join 2D shapes to make 3D structures. By joining materials in different ways, when working in 3D, they were able to develop ideas for 3D artwork. They then went on to evaluate and improve their creations.
Year 4
Year 5
Year 5 have completed a unit of work using painting and mixed media. The looked at how a drawing can be developed: combining materials for effect. By identifying the features of self-portraits they were able to develop ideas towards an outcome by experimenting
with materials and techniques – using the artist Chila Kumari Singh Burman as inspiration.
Year 6
Through their painting and mixed media unit, Year 6 analysed work by a variety of artists including Richard Brakenburg, David Hockney, John Singer Sargent, Fiona Rae and Lubaina Himid. They looked at how art can portray strong messages and emotions. Taking inspiration from these artists, the children planned, developed and created their own work conveying a message that was important to them.
Extra Curricular Activities
Cartoon Academy with Mark Wilcox
Twig Twisting - with Sarah Hayes
A snapshot of our Art Curriculum