What it's like to be a citizen at Excalibur
Year 1
In Year 1, the children have been following a series of lessons based on 'Our Special People'. They have been discussing the people who are special in their lives and how we care for them. The children also found out about rules that are set to keep them safe in different situations. They discussed how their special people can help them when they are feeling sad, scared, nervous or worried. Year 1 then went on to a new theme, finding out about 'The Importance of Family'. This gave the children the opportunity to explore the importance of family and to talk about the stability and love that family brings. They also found out about the differences and similarities in family units.
Year 2
This term, Year 2 has been finding out about 'Special people in our communities'. They have been thinking about the community they belong to and who helps them in those communities. The children were encouraged to reflect on their role in our community and how they can offer help and support. They also talked about who they can turn to for help and support. Later in the term, the children moved on to a new theme and found out about 'The diversity of families'. In this unit, Year 2 explored the diversity of families and found out how other families can look very different from their own. The children learnt that we should respect the difference between families and recognise that other families are built on love and support.
Year 3
In Year 3, the children have followed a series of lessons based on the theme 'Different kinds of committed relationships'. In this unit, they have learnt about different types of relationships and explored the word commitment. They have also explored their feelings around changes in relationships, including the break-up of a family unit and are developing skills to know when and how to seek support. This was obviously done in a sensitive way to avoid upsetting children who maybe going through a similar change. Earlier in the term, the children found out the importance of showing empathy and recognising personal boundaries. This was carried out using the theme 'Responsibilities and boundaries'.
Year 4
In PSHE, Year 4 have explored the theme 'Rights and Responsibilities'. They have discussed the links between rights and responsibilities and have talked about responsibilities within a family unit. The children have also found out about the UN Convention on the Rights of Children. Later in the term, Year 4 went on to learn about 'Families and other relationships'. They have explored what it means to belong to a family or other group, and what people in that group may have in common. The children have also discussed the relationship between caring and rules within a family or group.
Year 5
This term, Year 5 have been learning through the theme 'Caring in the Community'. They have found out how our care needs to change as we grow older. The children have talked about the ways and reasons for caring. They have considered the effects of isolation and loneliness and how we, as members of the community, can help and support others, including through volunteering. Later in the term, Year 5 found out about 'Healthy, Committed Relationships'. Together, they explored the characteristics of healthy, happy families and committed relationships. The children considered the diversity of families and how to respect children who come from families different to their own.
Year 5 recieved a visit from Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service. This involved a talk about road safety and how to keep safe.
They also enjoyed a visit from the Dogs Trust to find out how to treat dogs and to understand their body language.
Year 6
This term, Year 6 have followed the theme 'Responsible behaviour as we get older'. They have talked about starting to take on more responsibility for things including physical health, self-care, money, and our mental wellbeing. The children have also discussed the people who can help and support as they move on to secondary school. In the second half of the term, Year 6 learnt the basic facts about how human life starts. They had the opportunity to ask questions, which were answered in an age-appropriate way.
Below, work generated from a recent Internet Safety Session in Year 6.